Let’s keep it real up in here Friends: parenting is an exhilarating, yet EXHAUSTING task. The chores are many and the work is repetitive, so sometimes you can wonder if what you’re doing, saying or speaking day in and day … Read the rest
To let the media tell it, you’re more likely to find a polka-dotted unicorn moonwalking across a rainbow in the middle of rush hour traffic faster than a loving and committed African-American couple.
Don’t believe the hype.
There are incredible … Read the rest
Ladies & Gentlemen, please allow me to jump up on the soapbox for a hot minute about this right here, excuse the length of my rant because I am feeling ALL types of ways about the whole mess…
I don’t … Read the rest
Hey Chocolate Lovers! 🙂
It’s been a MAD hectic few weeks, but I’ve come up for air long enough to share a link to a great interview that Cute & Kinky founder, Kristen Muldrow, conducted with me about how we … Read the rest
Here we go again.
Shortly after my Dr. Frances Cress Welsing interview showed up in today’s Briefing, a reader wrote in doing 2 things: admitting to being ignorant about racism, yet displaying the arrogance and entitlement to make it EVERYONE … Read the rest