“Girl I want you in my life cause you have made it better
Thinkin we all in love cause we can spend a day together
We talkin’ spendin’ the rest of our lives
It’s too many black women that can … Read the rest
Break out the candles and champagne, Big Birthday Love for India.Arie (39), Rev. Al Sharpton (60) and Chubby Checker (73)!!!
… Read the restIt’s the elephant in the room and an ugly, inconvenient truth that some whites attempt to simultaneously deny and justify: the pervasiveness and power of White Privilege. As a woman of color who covers the topic often, I have encountered … Read the rest
He may have a love/hate relationship with social media, but it looks like Prince still knows how to target what’s trending and flex its power for his benefit. School em’ Your Royal Badness!!!
Towards the end of the stream, Prince … Read the rest
With police officer Darren Wilson still not arrested or charged, the prosecutor’s passive-aggressive sideways approach and digital trails showing bias and closed minds among members of the jury, it’s as if the powers that be want to make EXTRA sure … Read the rest