“You are a ghost driving a meat-covered skeleton made from stardust riding a rock floating through space. Fear nothing.” —–Nev Schulman

Let’s keep it real, shall we?
As of today, knock on wood, I am a half a century old … Read the rest
“You are a ghost driving a meat-covered skeleton made from stardust riding a rock floating through space. Fear nothing.” —–Nev Schulman
Let’s keep it real, shall we?
As of today, knock on wood, I am a half a century old … Read the rest
The other day, Layla was home with a tummy bug. Luckily it was nothing serious, and the regular regimen of liquids, crackers, chicken noodle and Culturelle did the trick.
While Netflix was usually enough to keep her occupied, the programming … Read the rest
……..As a parent myself and the mother of two daughters, these allegations are heartbreaking and horrific. I cannot imagine the pain their loved ones are going through, having awareness of what’s going on and desperate to get their daughters away … Read the rest
“Imani willed her hands to stop shaking with everything in her. She couldn’t believe they’d run into Aaron Givens here. Her short encounter with his wife had been difficult enough to get through, but seeing him was almost impossible to … Read the rest
“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” Alice Walker
All respect due to A Tribe Called Quest, I actually heard “We The People” bumping in my head as I read this woman’s … Read the rest