Several years ago—-okay, more like a decade and some change—I went out on a dinner date with a guy I’ll call ‘Reggie.’ Back when I was single, the gentlemen who asked me out were given a couple of chances at the most to demonstrate whether or not there was compatibility between us, or if he would end up back on the playing field. Unfortunately, Reggie struck out right there on first base.
The first strike against him occurred when Reggie told me he didn’t have money for a meal. Instead of rescheduling for when funds were available, which would have been fine, Reggie wanted me to follow him to his apartment, where he could cook instead. Strike two quickly followed when he boldly suggested it would also be a good idea for me to pick up wine on the way there. Um….WRONG. Going to a stranger’s home for me was completely out of the question, no thanks. I had food at home. The third and final strike occurred when I decided I was done with both Reggie and our so-called ‘date’ and stopped at a nearby ice cream shop for a cone on the way to my car. Reggie added his own dessert to my tab, without asking first. Oh yeah Buddy, that was it….. you. Are. OUT.
His presumptuousness, dishonesty and entitlement were enough reasons to never deal with him again, and eventually, I met Calvin and left the dating ballpark altogether.
Back then, I thought that men like Reggie were a rarity, but that belief was apparently false, as evidenced in a recently-viral Twitter post by Teanna Robles. To sum it up, the man she was dating, in a series of mean-spirited insults delivered via text (screenshot and uploaded for all to see) went ‘scorched earth’ on Robles because she was unable to buy him—-wait for it—- a Red Lobster meal. Seriously.
The exchange started innocently enough: She confessed to her date that she had just paid bills, lacked extra money and sent photos of delicious-looking sopes recipes to try instead. Dude must have really been set on those cheddar-baked biscuits because he immediately sent a nasty reply: Don’t ask me what I want to eat then tell me to pick something else ever again. Don’t try play a position you not fit for then. You’re clearly not on my level and can’t afford to support a man of my caliber.”
“Level” and “caliber”—-WOW. Especially since according to Robles, this self-ordained “king” expected royal treatment but was, quote-unquote, “broke, struggling to make rent & pay his s–t off and complained to me all the time like I was going to fix it.”
Instead of remembering his status and sympathizing with her dilemma, “King” kept up the rants, one of them stating, “You have to qualify to be with a man that does as much as me…..I know I deserve to eat red lobster,I ate it 4 times a week last year.” Sounds like a keeper….NOT. The screengrabs were so outrageously offensive that even model and TV personality Chrissy Teigen chimed in: “this man had red lobster 4 days a week for a year. he has mercury poisoning.”
I admit, again, that it’s been some years—-fifteen, approximately—-since I’ve dealt with a prospective significant other and dating etiquette, but when did it ever become acceptable to demand anything? How are you supposed to attract or maintain a partner with disses and tantrums the moment you don’t get your way? The song “No Scrubs” by TLC was a hit for a reason: quality women don’t relish in dealing with “a deadbeat [expletive].” The last time I checked, those early connections are about exchanging information and learning of what’s beyond the surface, not running someone’s pockets.
Sounds like this “King,” right along with Reggie, needs to continue ruling alone…. from the shallow and “scrubs only” end of the dating pool.

There’s a Reggie on every other block. And he actually comes in all colors. I’ve never experienced the aforementioned level of cheap. But I came pretty close. Met a guy through a mutual connect. Instant vibe. Walking & talking, I decided to stop for tea. Homeboy did the moonwalk when we made it to the cash register. I let his handsomeness block the yellow flag. But his boldness in trying to get with me, without a proper courtship had me saying: Dismissed.
January 22, 2020 at 11:01 amNo he did NOT actually moonwalk, hhahahaaaaahaha!!!
January 22, 2020 at 10:30 pmGlad you dodged that ridiculous and entitled POS, maybe he met up with Reggie and they’re sharing ? and ?? We BOTH lucked out!!!
Strangely enough, I have just seen a man arguing with women for TWO DAYS yapping about women asking men out and paying for dates.
I have also just seen a post where the men are insisting that it is a woman’s responsibility to ‘make’ a man wear a condom.
The male Pretty Princess Syndrome is real out here.
January 12, 2020 at 3:22 pmThat’s my favorite go-to line, Vivien…”Pretty Princess Syndrome!” Black men are the ONLY group of men who feel women should support THEM from the cradle to the GRAVE! SMDH
January 12, 2020 at 6:26 pmReggie is not ideal for any woman. I hope he has learned that apartment dates and being cheap are turn offs.
January 12, 2020 at 11:43 amhe’s a big , lazy, bum who don’t have money so he can’t pay for 1 date.
January 12, 2020 at 10:20 amKeep reading and sharing Ma’am, good looking out!
January 12, 2020 at 10:17 amI’m so glad more articles like this are coming out.
January 12, 2020 at 9:56 amThis is a really great article and so very timely and relevant.
January 12, 2020 at 9:53 amDamn Reggie! He had a small bottle of Palmolive in his pocket huh? He knew he washing dishes after dinner. ?
January 12, 2020 at 9:52 am