….With such a high anticipation factor built into the movie, it would’ve been easy for the makers of the soundtrack to have included recycled oldies and just called it a wrap, but the emotional nuances experienced in Best Man Holiday come across just as brilliantly on the soundtrack: merriment and mistletoe can be heard in Jordan Sparks’ twinkling “Christmas Time To Me,” Fantasia’s impish, yet understated “What Christmas Means To Me” and (Uncle) Charlie Wilson’s sweetheart ode, “I Still Have You.” And for the parties and gaiety sure to abound, R. Kelly adds a lively (and thankfully, G-rated) dance floor ditty, “Christmas I’ll Be Steppin’.”
Even the traditional yuletide songs—–you know, the ones you’ve heard in every single shopping center and elevator over and over since the beginning of time—–get upgrades: Mario’s take on “Someday At Christmas” is earnest and
enthusiastic, “Winter Wonderland” is rendered lushly by newcomer Emeli Sande and Monica’s rendition of “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” both soothes and soars.
What makes the CD a real keeper, however, are the non- holiday tracks that you can play all year long: New Edition’s ballad….(click here to read the full review at Knowshi.com)