….Nearly 50 years after his death, the Muslim minister and Human and Civil Rights leader remains a much-discussed part of world history, but few are aware of the culture and characteristics that molded him into the man he became, part of the reason why Ms. Shabazz authored the critically-acclaimed book [Malcolm Little] (illustrated poignantly by local artist A.G. Ford). “People think that Malcolm X automatically went to jail and just automatically came out as an icon and one of the greatest political strategists of our time, but this book shares the qualities that made the foundation of who he is, which were a direct result of the role his parents played.”
Because she and her sisters were either not born or very young when Malcolm X was assassinated (5 of the 6 Shabazz daughters: Qubilah, Gamilah, Malaak, Attallah and Ilyasah, pictured on the far right), the 51-year-old understands the impressionable nature of children and wanted to both inform and encourage a new generation about who her father truly was and why his work still matters today.
“I think it’s very important that children develop self-love, receive quality education and read quality stories where they see themselves….(click here for the full article at knowshi.com)