What if you’re counted on nationwide for help, advice and wise counsel, but behind closed doors, you happen to be in need of assistance yourself? That’s the situation a couple faces in a romantic drama premiering Saturday, May 3 on cable’s Up network, “Where’s The Love?” (7:00 p.m. E.S.T.)
It’s supposed to be a happy time in life for Ryan and Sebastian Reid (Denise Boutte, Lamman Rucker), a pair of married relationship experts with a thriving practice, best-selling books and a popular TV show. Friends and family (David Banner, Angie Stone, Tommy Ford, Terri J. Vaughn, to name a few) remain clueless about their private struggles until the truth explodes….just as they approach their first wedding anniversary. Will the Reids lose each other, their fans and their very livelihoods, or will they survive as a couple and become stronger in the process?
“No matter what you do or who you are, the reality is that people go through things,” said Lamman Rucker…..(click here for the full story at Knowshi.com)