……Since the CD is brimming with empowerment and gladness-filled songs like “Anything,” “Rock with You” and her current hit single, “I Blame You,” it’s hard to believe that Ledisi recorded the new album while terminating a love affair. “Most people go through things, but some people want to live in the pain and I don’t want to do that. I’ll talk about it, but it’s better to go on from there and be celebratory about life. Everyone was sending me all these ballads and I came in there saying, ‘Nope, not gonna do that.’ I need more up-tempos because I’m excited about growing and I’m taking dance classes now, so I want everything more upbeat.
Pieces… was about getting permission to be who I am, ‘Can I say this and be that?’ And with The Truth, I’m like ‘Whatever, this is who I am.’ I just stopped caring so much and said ‘Do what makes you happy Les, stop over-analyzing so much.’ Be free, just go for it and commit to be you. And that’s what it’s about.”
Ledisi not only switched up her style, she also dove deeper into her most vulnerable moments, putting her wounded heart and broken dreams to music on the wrenching, cathartic title track and “88 Boxes,” which summarized all she felt remained after that broken union. When asked about her current relationship status…..(click here to read the full interview with Ledisi at Knowshi.com)