Sunday’s weather was overcast and turbulent, the clouds obscuring any presence of brightness and creating an atmosphere weighted with tension and gloom.
Normally, I enjoy summer storms. But this time, the tempest overhead was a fitting backdrop underscoring the sadness I felt as an American and a Black parent after jurors found George Zimmerman ‘not guilty’ in the shooting death of an unarmed Florida teenager, Trayvon Martin.
Nia, Layla and Darius came to our bedroom when called that morning, sat on our bed and listened somberly when I shared the news. Calvin nodded in affirmation as I choked back tears and told them of the jury’s verdict.
“You all need to understand that Daddy and I love you very, very, very much. The jury has just basically said to the world that black children, even those without weapons and doing nothing wrong, are criminally-minded menaces to society that don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt or the right to defend themselves.
But the truth is that you are just as decent and worthy as anyone else, no more likely to be a criminal than others and your lives matter. We will do everything humanly possible to protect your freedoms, keep you safe and to get anyone who hurts you properly punished.”
I looked at Darius and added a new lesson to the ones he’s already learned. “Darius, you have the right to come and go as you please, but if someone questions you or tries to follow you, run to a public place, scream for help and dial 911. That way you’ve documented yourself as the victim and not the aggressor should anyone provoke an attack. Keep your cell phone charged at all times and always let us know where you are. It could mean a matter of life and death.”
Later, between ourselves, Calvin and I discussed the other terrible truths. Such as how the defendant, George Zimmerman, was once charged and arrested for domestic violence and resisting arrest, yet remained able to access a handgun. And how Zimmerman, the son of a retired judge, earned a forty-five day reprieve after Trayvon’s shooting.
Zimmerman claimed self-defense in murdering Trayvon and being in fear of his life, yet left the safety of his vehicle, pursued the teen against the advice of a 911 dispatcher and used lethal force after sustaining blood loss and “insignificant wounds,” according to a medical examiner’s testimony.
Calvin and I ruminated how Adam Lanza, after shooting almost 30 people at a Connecticut elementary school last year, was described in media accounts as “a quiet and nice kid,” but Trayvon had no violent history and widely portrayed as a bloodthirsty, drug-abusing thug.
Race wasn’t mentioned in court, but statistics prove is that ‘stand your ground’ laws are more punitive toward blacks. A Tampa Bay Times report revealed that 73 percent of those who killed a black person under the statute faced no penalty, compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white person.
And according to data from the FBI, The Urban Institute also concluded that 34 percent of “stand your ground” homicides were deemed justifiable when white shooters killed black victims. But when black shooters killed whites, only 3.3 percent of the deaths were ruled justifiable.
How can there be any certainty of “equal justice under the law” when you take those factors into account?
As a mother and black woman, I fail to see how Trayvon’s rights and humanities were so disregarded by Zimmerman and a jury of women with kids of their own. But all I can do is pray for the Martins, pray for my family and hope that the broken system can soon be repaired.
Because when objective laws are selectively reinforced, we’re all vulnerable. And that reality is as universal, and chilling, as rain.